From Hi to Buy. Dive into Conversational Sales

Consumers crave instant, personalized interactions. Merx transforms every online touchpoint into a unique shopping journey, all within a chat (e.g. on WhatsApp). Imagine the power of your top salesperson, now available to every online visitor, 24/7.
Conversational channels boast a 10-20% conversion rate. Harness the power of higher average order value with Merx.
10-20% higher conversion rates
Increased average order value
Reduced cart abandonment

Instant Product Inquiries

Merx sparks real-time product discussions, offering swift answers for quicker, more confident purchasing, resulting in increased satisfaction and speedier decisions.

Tailored Recommendations

Deliver personalized shopping experiences with Merx's deep learning algorithms. Every suggestion is an opportunity to delight and convert.

Checkout in a Conversation

Simplify buying with swift, secure checkout within conversation on WhatsApp. Eliminate friction for dramatically reduced cart abandonment.

Why Choose Conversational Sales with Merx

Transition from broad marketing campaigns to personalized, one-on-one engagements on Whatsapp. With Merx, promotions feel like personal recommendations, building trust and driving conversions.

Tailored Engagements

Unique, one-on-one conversations for each visitor.

Always Available

Maximize sales opportunities with 24/7 availability. Never miss a potential sale.

Proven Results

Experience increased conversion rates and order value.